The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

[Dungeon] - The Isle of Death

A new Dark Sun adventure, for characters 8-10th level, appears in Dungeon magazine:

The adventurers must find a suitable place to plant a precious seed of life that the party has previously acquired. They travel to a remote island in the Sea of Silt to plant the seed far from the influence of the sorcerer-kings. Once on the island, they find that it is not as uninhabited as they had been led to believe.

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[Dungeon] The True

Another Dungeon article by our friend and Ashes of Athas admin, Teos Abadia is online today.

Many in the harsh desert world of Athas look with envy to Tyr as a place fortunate enough to have found freedom. They fail to realize that Tyr’s freedom has been costly, leaving the city on the brink of chaos. A secret organization known as the True believes that Tyr must return to its former ways. They seek nothing less than to restore Kalak or another sorcerer-king to the throne.

Get it here (Subscription required)

[Dungeon] Cruel as a Desert Wind Adventure

The first of a whole slew of Dark Sun articles for DDI this month!

By Chris Perkins
House Tsalaxa uses various legitimate trade ventures to conceal its blackmail, espionage, and assassination schemes. Its representatives are feared for their ruthlessness—and for their ability to strike without mercy when threatened. However, Athas holds forces even more ruthless than House Tsalaxa, as a band of adventurers is about to find out. (Subscription Required)

The Nine Swords of Tyr [dungeon]

new dungeon article, The Nine Swords of Tyr

In the dark days before the death of Kalak of Tyr, the Veiled Alliance hatched a desperate plan to craft weapons designed to destroy the sorcerer-kings. A council of Veiled Alliance leaders met in secret within the city, the first and only time in memory that such a risky gathering was attempted. The greatest arcane minds that the resistance had to offer compiled secret instructions for the creation of weapons that would defend their wielders against the most powerful of the defilers’ attacks, and undermine their greatest defenses.

Terrors of the Silt Sea

A new article up in Dungeon magazine:

As if the Sea of Silt were not dangerous enough, filled with fine powder that suffocates human-sized creatures, many frightening beasts call it home. Veteran sailors of the Sea of Silt tell tales of nightmarish monsters, such as the notorious silt horror. Such stories inspire terror in those both who ply the Silt Sea on skimmers and those who live on its shore. Among the horrific creatures that inhabit the silt, two of the most frightening are the azraloka and the oasis beast.