Baxa Thri-Kreen Drawing
Written by Tom Baxa, and first published on 2013-09-07
A repost from Baxa’s blog about Thri-kreen.
Monster Manual Excerpt: Thri-Kreen
Written by gab, and first published on 2014-09-12 is given a Monster Manual exclusive preview, the Thri-Kreen.
Hak'Trin Undead Thri-Kreen of Athas
Written by Raddu, and first published on 2012-05-15
This is a May of the Dead post, part of a a Blog Carnival hosted by The Going Last Podcast. As you may surmise the May of the Dead post has to do with undead, in this post The Wanderer, an Athasian who is famous for exploring the mysteries of the Dark Sun world tracks down Hak'Trin, rare undead thri-kreen.