The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

New Dark Sun forum now features a new Dark Sun forum - Arena. Use the navigation bar to get there, or go to

Thanks to Flip for setting up the forum.

Life-Shaping Handbook updated

A final release of the Life-Shaping Handbook is now available here. LSH contains rules for creating life-shaped items and creatures, 2 new character races, almost 30 new feats, 8 new prestige classes, and more than 30 new monsters.

This final release incorporates community feedback, a new chapter with 3 adventure sites, and a new monster.

The Life-Shaping Handbook is designed for use in any Dark Sun 3.5 game. You will need the Player’s Handbook (PH), Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG), Monster Manual (MM) as well as the Dark Sun Core Rules (DS3) to make use of the material in this book.

Status Update

This is the latest news on our projects.<p> Project name (completion %, increase since last update)</p><ul>

  • Core Rules r7 (34%, +34%)
  • Life-shaped Handbook (incorporating final feedback)
  • Legends of Athas (incorporating final feedback)
  • Faces of the Forgotten North (100% - public playtest)
  • Athasian Emporium (100% - public playtest)
  • City-State of Balic (89%, +0%)
  • Trade Lords 1.1 update (99%, +0%)
  • Other projects currently on hold include Lost Cities of the Trembling Plains and Secrets of the Dead Lands.


    site: Adding comments

    So, I’ve been busily hacking away at various and sundry parts of the site backend. New today: Comments on articles.

    Each article consists of one or more sections. I just pushed out an update that allows anyone to leave a comment on a particular section of an article. So, if you have a comment on a particular domain listed in the most recent article, it will be listed next to the relevant portion of the article.

    I have eventual plans to use the code that runs the article sections and apply it to things that are not article – say, a race writeup. This comment code will travel with it. As such, feedback is highly appreciated – send a mail to with any comments on the comments.

    Wanted: Playtesters seeks playtesters to evaluate material for projects in development. As a playtester you woill gain early access to new Dark Sun material. In return you will playtest the material, preferably with your gaming group, and provide us with feedback.

    Update: We have enough playtesters for the time being. If we need more, we will announce a new round of applications. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered.

    Status Update

    This is the latest news on our projects. <p> Project name (completion %, increase since last update)</p><ul>

  • Faces of the Forgotten North (100% - public playtest)
  • Athasian Emporium (100% - public playtest)
  • City-State of Balic (89%, +0%)
  • Legends of Athas (100% - public playtest)
  • Life-shaped Handbook (100% - public playtest)
  • Trade Lords 1.1 update (99%, +9%)
  • </ul><p> Other projects currently on hold include Core Rules R7, Lost Cities of the Trembling Plains, and Secrets of the Dead Lands. </p>

    Legends of Athas Released

    A beta release of Legends of Athas is now available here. This is a playtest release of 6 epic prestige classes, including the Athasian dragon and the avangion; more than 30 new epic feats; over 30 epic spells and power; over 30 artifacts, both conversions and brand new ones; as well as a collection of epic monsters. The final version of LoA will include stats for Athasian epic NPCs, including all sorcerer-kings; details about Athasian epic organizations; and more epic spells and monsters. Please submit playtesting feedback to

    Prestige Class Appendix Vol 2 updated

    We’ve released an update to PrC 2.

    This release incorporates various typo fixes and formatting changes, updates in response to community feedback, and six new prestige classes:

    • Arcanist
    • Arena Mage
    • Obstinate Soul
    • Psiologist
    • Scion of the Worm
    • Tekchakak

    Athasian Emporium is open for business

    The Athasian Emporium is now open for business! <p> A beta release of the Athasian Emporium is available. This is a playtest release of more than a hundred magic and psionic items, both new and old. The Athasian Emporium also provides informations on vehicles, equipments, poisons and poison-related feats, drugs, foods, and currency, as well as introducing many new weapons and armor. All that and more for help running a Dark Sun campaign.
    Please submit playtesting feedback to templarate at </p>

    New Release: Faces of the Forgotten North

    A beta release of Faces of the Forgotten North is available. This is a playtest release of more than 140 NPCs and monsters of the Trembling Plains, including that region’s unique Spirits of the Land. FFN also provides adventure leads, equiptment, feats, prestige classes, and other new material for running a campaign in the Trembling Plains region. FFN is the companion book for Lost Cities of the Trembling Plains, which is back in production and will be released in beta form by the end of 2007. The final version of FFN may include NPCs and monsters from other future releases related to the Trembling Plains, such as Prison-State of Eldaarich, City-State of Kurn, Flamesky, and Silt Sailors of the Kulag Fleet. Please submit playtesting feedback to templarate at