The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Article: Dray Religion

An ancient unofficial article from the depths of the internet: The Dray, the draconic race who dwell far beneath the scorched surface of Athas, owe their fearsome form to a transformation wrought ages ago upon the band of humans who then served under Dregoth. However it was not only the bodies of his people that the Dread Lord saw fit to alter to his liking, but also their hearts and minds. This was achieved long before the physical transformation, when he fashioned for them a new religion, one which places himself at the centre of a cosmic drama in which they would play a vital part.

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Lady of Shadows: Prologue

Desert tiefling courtesy of WotC

We are monsters. We are the damned. We recognise that there will be no place in this new world for us. Like the prophets of old, we are blessed with the foreknowledge of Paradise regained, but doomed never to see it with our own eyes.

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Heroes of the Elemental Chaos as a Dark Sun supplement

Rather than give a general review of the supplement (which can be found in numerous places online), let’s go over what the Dark Sun centric player and DM would be interested and show that “Heroes of the Elemental Chaos” is worthy of being called a Dark Sun supplement even if it’s not advertised as such. In addition there are a few new pieces of Dark Sun lore that pertain to the Elemental Chaos.

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Dragon Article: Black Blade of Raam

Eye on Dark Sun

by Rodney Thompson

Despite the best efforts of the sorcerer-kings to oppress their subjects, on rare occasions individuals gain enough power and prestige to become nuisances to those despots. Sometimes, however, those who rise in status independent of the sorcerer-kings are not rebellious freedom fighters or challengers of authority, but instead agents of chaos who lash out at targets both virtuous and vile. The Black Blade is one such individual, a powerful assassin in Raam who serves neither Abalach-Re nor any of the other power bases in the city.

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