The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Dragon: Vaults of the Father and Master

By Rodney Thompson
The sorcerer-kings of Athas maintain private storehouses of treasure and magic under tight lock and key. Security is essential, and for this reason, powerful wards and dangerous traps guard these storehouses, designed to fend off intruders powerful and creative enough to find the caches in the first place. Read more on DDIOffsite /Subscription Required

Article: Plant Life of Athas

As the name suggests, this is a compilation of types of plants found on Athas. This resource gives descriptions of various plants: trees, cash crops, and even dangerous, carnivorous plants. Geographical locations where the plants grow are given as well as any other relevant information on the plant.Read More

Fiction: Lady of Shadows: Part 2

The sky blazed a deep crimson, the sun gaping like a bloody wound as it sank toward the horizon. Above, the sky had already deepened to the livid blue-black of bruised flesh. The rocks still shimmered as they radiated back the day’s scorching heat. It would be hours before the chill of the night reached this place. Read Part 2

Article: The Good and the Green

The Good and the Green; An Examination of the Athasian Halfling Culture in the form of ater from Brandobaris, flailing adventurer of Ogo, to his dear friend, the elven priest and preserver Disnomos.Read More

Fiction: Lady of Shadows: Part 1

Pain. Pain the like of which I had never imagined. Like spears of sun-scorched obsidian sliding through my limbs where my bones should have been, the claws of some ravening beast tearing through my bowels, razors across my sweat-slick skin. And, through it all, he was there, inside my mind, pouring fear and anguish into my soul.

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Article: Draji Religion

Another ancient unofficial article found in the web archives:

According to the Draji religion, a faith propagated by centuries of state sponsorship, King Tectuktitlay is the supreme temporal and spiritual authority of the cosmos, a kind of perfect incarnation of the spiritual forces of Athas. The Draji are taught that their King is the creator of all life and is responsible for investing the world with order and purpose. Unlike their neighbours in Raam, the people of Draj largely believe what the Moon Priests have taught them and they look upon Athas as world with their own King as its necessary centre. In Draj, as in Gulg, it is the state religion which dominates Draji identity and outlook, making it one of the more stable cities of the region, and certainly the most arrogant.

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