The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Fiction - Lady of Shadows: Part 11

As I re-entered the receiving chamber, I glanced across the table to where Abhivada sat, talking quietly with Neren. She gave no sign that she was even aware of me. Neren too pretended not to have seen me enter, though he was a far less accomplished actor. I tried not to smile at his well-intentioned but totally unnecessary attempts to avoid drawing Abhivada’s attention to me.

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Fiction - Lady of Shadows: Part 10

After a few terse questions to Neren concerning his cargo and passengers, Abhivada glanced up towards the walls of the fort and I felt a brief psionic pulse as she signalled for the gates to be opened to us. Neren and Enamdis climbed aboard, and the silt skimmer juddered back into motion as Bayl and Chanya bent their backs to the capstan.

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[Dragon] The Ivory Dungeon

A new Dragon article by Rodney Thomson:

Balic is a city-state of splendor and tyranny, where the sorcerer-king’s need for control clashes with his appreciation for beauty. Nowhere else is this contrast more typified than in the Ivory Dungeon, a secret prison where Andropinis keeps those who are too dangerous to be held in normal prisons, and who are too valuable to kill.

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Fiction - Lady of Shadows Part 9

The gap between the Stormclaw and Black Spine Mountains is some fifteen miles wide, and those who have never been there must wonder why the route through is termed a ‘pass’, or why Nibenay bothers to maintain a fort to guard the road.

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[Dungeon] - The Isle of Death

A new Dark Sun adventure, for characters 8-10th level, appears in Dungeon magazine:

The adventurers must find a suitable place to plant a precious seed of life that the party has previously acquired. They travel to a remote island in the Sea of Silt to plant the seed far from the influence of the sorcerer-kings. Once on the island, they find that it is not as uninhabited as they had been led to believe.

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Article: Markstones

In the ancient days of Athas' history those who used the Way could travel swiftly from one city to another using powerful psionic Markstones. Today some of these psionic artifacts still exist, allowing those who have the Will to travel faster than the fastest elf.

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