The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website


Lady of Shadows: Part 7

The mountains had grown from a blurred, uneven line on the horizon to a recognisable part of the landscape by the time the sun sank beneath the western horizon.

Lady of Shadows: Part 6

The skimmer’s crew took the news surprisingly well. Neren and Enamdis called a brief halt and gathered them together below the quarterdeck to explain what was likely chasing us and to make preparations for a possible night attack.

Lady of Shadows: Part 5

We heard the cry of the lookout, perched upon his small platform near the top of the skimmer’s mainmast, and saw the vessel alter course towards us.

Ecology of the Tarek

Violent and aggressive, Tarek tribes terrorize the mountains they inhabit under the commands of their earth shamans.

Lady of Shadows: Part 4

We heard the cry of the lookout, perched upon his small platform near the top of the skimmer’s mainmast, and saw the vessel alter course towards us.

The Southern Coast of the Estuary of the Forked Tongue

Death among the rocky badlands, budding mountains, and numerous silt basins of the southern coast of the Estuary of the Forked tongue can come quick, but a life can be made here or at least a living. On the Grey Coast, desert tribes trade with one another and a few outposts that eek out an existence, ruins of ancient times are revealed in the silt and beckon would be treasure hunters, traders always need new caravan guards, slavers always need new stock, and tales of the Fabled City of Plenty call to the curious.