The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

The Sorcerer's Workshop: Items of The Black

Legends, myths, and stories populate the tales of bards. Ancient and neatly-forgotten legends lurk in the minds of these prolific storytellers, sometimes rising to the surface like a morning mist to expose secrets not revealed since the Green Age, if not longer.

The bards speak of items that draw their power from the Black itself. Some claim that these are relics of a bygone age, crafted with long-lost knowledge and now beyond the understanding of modern Athasians. Others carefully whisper their belief that these treasures are more recent creations - crafted with the help of powerful entities from the Black itself. But for what reason? Were these created as part of a pact? Or as the result of some kind of trade? Or were these given out as a kind of reward for some mysterious service? The answers lie hidden in the depths of the Plane of Shadows, blurry and indistinct in the darkness.

Let’s examine some of these unique items, shining like onyx jewels under the light of Ral and Guthay…

The Cloak of the Cursed Sands
The Cloak Of The Cursed Sands by Neujack

The Cloak of the Cursed Sands

This cloak is said to have been cursed by a deity whose name has been lost to time, but the cloak’s power still remains.

The cloak has a hood and a metal clasp, and is fully reversible. One side is totally black, the other is the color of sand.

This cloak can be used by any class. If the command word is spoken when the cloak is donned with the sand-colored side out, it protects the wearer with a resist fire spell (as if cast by a 3rd level Cleric) the first time they are exposed to fire damage; if the black side is out when the cloak is put on and the command word spoken, the cloak will protect the wearer with a resist cold spell (as if cast by a 3rd level Cleric) the first time they are exposed to cold damage.

In either case, the cloak improves the wearer’s ability to Hide by +10% in the appropriate conditions (in sandy terrain or darkness), depending on the way the cloak is worn (i.e. sand-colored side or black side out).

If the magic word is not spoken when the cloak is put on, it damages the wearer. If the black side faces outwards, the wearer takes damage as if from a fireball spell (as if cast by a 5th level preserver) from the inward-facing sand-colored side. If the sand-colored side faces outwards, the wearer takes damage as if from an ice storm spell (as if cast by a 7th level preserver) from the inward-facing black side. No visual indication of this damage is given, nor are secondary effects from the spells suffered, as the cloak transmits the damage directly to the individual wearing it.

Dagger of the Black
Dagger Of The Black by Neujack

Dagger of the Black

This obsidian dagger has a hilt made from carved giant’s finger bone and it is lashed together with giant’s hair. It is said that this dagger was used in the sacrifice of a giant by a necromancer, which resulted in a rift to the Black being opened, the necromancer being drawn into the shadowy plane, and the blade being ‘touched’ by the power of the Black.

The dagger can only be used by a wizard. It has the properties of a +1 obsidian dagger, but its bonus rises to +2 to hit & damage if used where shadows are present.

If the bearer scores a natural 20 on the attack roll, the Black permanently claims a portion of the victim’s body. This causes the dagger to deal an additional +2d4 necromantic damage and creates a patch of blackness on the opponent’s skin, no bigger than a handprint. If the user rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, these effects instead (both the damage and the patch of black skin) affect the user themselves. This effect can increase the total amount of a Shadow Wizard’s blackened skin beyond the normal 50% maximum.

Shield of the Shadows

This shield is made of black wood, and is said to have been crafted far to the east of Bloody Spring oasis. If touched, the shield feels insubstantial, as if it was made of nothing but cold shadows.

This shield is only usable by warrior classes and functions as a +1 shield. Additionally, if the shield is struck by a weapon, there is a 20% chance that a wailing howl resonates in the attacker’s mind, making them roll a Saving Throw vs Spells or suffer the effects of a fear spell (as if cast by a 4th level wizard) for one round.

Shield of Shadows
Shield Of The Shadows by Neujack



Been playing Dungeons & Dragons and other RPGs since 1987. Been playing Dark Sun since it was released. Returned to Athas in 2020 for its expanded timeline and geography.