The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Dragon's Paw weapon
Dragon's Paw by Brom

In this blog, we’re taking a look at the weapons of the Dark Sun setting. We’ll look at a few basic concepts here but check out the pdf for full details on the Athasian arsenal.

Metal is rare on Athas, and weapons crafted from it are expensive. Unworked iron is worth 100 cp per pound on average, but can cost much more in some places. Worked metal is even more expensive, as craftsmen who know how to craft metal items are rare. Most metal weapons date back to when Athas was green, or were crafted from the meagre resources of Tyr’s iron mines.

Due to the high cost of metal, most weapons are constructed from inferior, but functional, materials. Most common are chitin, bone, and stone such as flint, or obsidian, but treated agafari wood is used as well.

Some weapons are designed to be constructed from non-metal materials, and do not suffer from inferior materials penalties. All other weapons (listed in italics on the weapons table) are affected by the material used, as shown on the following table:

Material Cost Weight To Hit (1) Damage (2)
Steel 100% 100% - -
Bronze 75% 100% / 50% - -1
Bone, chitin, agafari 50% 50% -1 -1
Stone or obsidian 30% 75% -2 -1
Wood 10% 50% -3 -2

(1) Does not apply to missile weapons
(2) Minimum of one point of damage

Weapon Breakage

Weapons made from inferior materials are prone to breaking. Two events will cause accidental weapon breakage when using a non-metal weapon:

  • If you roll maximum damage with an inferior weapon, there is a 1 in 20 chance the weapon breaks.
  • When you roll a natural 20 with an inferior weapon, you can choose to deal maximum damage automatically. However, this will also cause the weapon to break automatically.

Weapons (and armour) can also be broken intentionally using the Sunder action.

Dasl Weapons and Breakage

Dasl (a crystal made by the thri-kreen) is an exception to this rule. Dasl weapons never risk accidental breakage.

Metal Weapons and Sundering Inferior Weapons

When you roll a natural 20 with a metal weapon, you can choose to deal maximum damage. You can instead deal no damage, but make a free Sunder attempt against your opponent’s inferior weapon or armour.

Weapon Qualities

Some weapon have particular qualities – they require two hands to wield, are good for disarming foes and so on. These qualities are noted on the weapons table and summarised below. Some qualities require the wielder to be proficient in the weapon. See the weapon descriptions for further details.

Arcing: These weapons have no short range and cannot hit targets that are closer than medium range. Use the values listed on the weapons table for this weapon’s medium and long ranges.

Brace: These weapons inflict double damage if firmly set to receive a charge. Some weapons only provide this quality against targets of size Large or greater – see the table for details.

Bulky: These weapons require two hands to wield regardless of the wielder’s size.

Disarm: These weapons grant a +2 CMB bonus when used to carry out a Disarm.

Double Weapon: These are double weapons and can be used to make an off-hand attack each round, as if fighting with two weapons.

Fine: These weapons suffer a –4 penalty to hit against heavy armour.

Heft: These weapons grant a +2 damage bonus when used to strike from higher ground.

Impale: These weapons inflict double damage when wielded in a mounted charge.

Kreen: Non-kreen throw these weapons at a rate of one per round – only kreen gain the full rate of fire.

Momentum: These weapons grant a +1 damage bonus when used to strike from a moving mount or vehicle.

Parry: These weapons grant a +2 bonus when used to perform a Parry.

Piercing: These weapons ignore a certain number of Armour Class points – see weapon description for details.

Pin: These weapons grant a +2 CMB bonus when used to carry out a Pin.

Repelled: These weapons are ineffective against opponents in certain types of armour – see the weapon table for details.

Trip: These weapons grant a +2 CMB bonus when used to carry out a Trip.