Cities of Athas - DM and Player Summary Sheets
Written by Logarium, and first published on 2023-01-29
In the Ivory Triangle boxed set, they had these cool card handouts with player and DM summaries for Gulg and Nibenay. I always wished that they had them for the other cities. So I made some.
In the Ivory Triangle boxed set, they had these cool card handouts with player and DM summaries for Gulg and Nibenay. I always wished that they had them for the other cities. So I made some. These combine stuff from 2e, 3e, and 4e, along with a few bits from my home DS games, and the stuff on Draj comes from’s City-State of Draj. They use UK English spelling (for great gloury!). Download and use, abuse, or refuse as you see fit.