Dark Sun Campaign Setting

Fight to Survive a Ravaged World
Beneath a dying sun lies a world of sand and fire, a world of barbaric splendour and savage desolation. This is Athas, a dessert planet laid waste by unchecked sorcery and ancient wars. Immortal sorcerer-kings reign over the cities that remain, celebrating their tyranny with bloody arena games and brutal oppression. Cruel slavers and fierce raiders roam the wastelands in search of captives and plunder. Only the strongest heroes can endure the fury of the crimson sun.
This Dungeons & Dragons supplement introduces the world of the Dark Sun campaign. Everything you need to create Athasian heroes is included: the mul and thri-kreen character races; new builds for the fighter, warlock, battlemind and shaman classes; and a new character theme system that allows you to create gladiators, templars, dune traders and elemental priests. You'll also find a gazetteer of Athas full of mysterious locales to explore, an introductory adventure, and a full-color poster map of the Tyr Region -- the last vestige of civilisation.
Where to buy
The following unofficial resources are provided to as player and dungeon master aids to help enhance the experience of using this product.
4th edition map with detailed layers
created by:
- Raddu
This is the original map released by WotC for 4th edition. It was edited to include canon ruins, villages, forts, etc as well as the banners of the merchants houses who control a settlement or have influence there, each of which is a layer that can be enabled or disabled.
- map
- ds4
- 4e
- overland
9.94 MB pdf uploaded January 10, 2023 by Raddu
Traveler's Guides to the Cities of Athas
created by:
- Logarium
Traveler’s Guides to the Cities of Athas written in the style that appeared first in The Ivory Triangle for Gulg and Nibenay.
- City-States
- Balic
- Celik
- Draj
- Eldaarich
- Gulg
- Kurn
- New Kurn
- Nibenay
- Raam
- Saragar
- Thamasku
- Tyr
- Ur Draxa
- Urik
15.3 MB pdf uploaded January 11, 2023 by Raddu
Cities of Athas - DM's Summaries and Statistics
created by:
- Logarium
DM’s Summaries to the Cities of Athas written in the style that appeared first in The Ivory Triangle for Gulg and Nibenay.
- Tyr
- Ur Draxa
- Draj
- Celik
- Balic
- Eldaarich
- Gulg
- Kurn
- Nibenay
- Raam
- Saragar
- Thamasku
- Urik
3 MB pdf uploaded January 28, 2023 by Adam Cieszlak
Shadow Square map
created by:
- Raddu
A map of Shadow Square in Tyr. Map created with assets by Gabriel Pickard.
- Tyr
- vtt
- map
428 KB jpg uploaded February 01, 2023 by Raddu
Silver Spring Fort Map
created by:
- Raddu
VTT Map of Silver Spring fort according to Elves of Athas Map created with assets by Gabriel Pickard.
- Silver Spring
- elven
- vtt
- map
868 KB jpg uploaded February 01, 2023 by Raddu
In Kalak's Shadow
created by:
- band2
This adventure takes place in the city-state of Tyr. It is for 3-5 characters of 6th to 8th level. The adventure uses many NPCs and locations described in the accessories City-State of Tyr and Dune Trader. Though possession of these accessories is not necessary for this adventure, it will help to add background and description to the adventure.
It is free year 12. In the city-state of Tyr, an evil has been growing in the shadows and is ready to emerge to threaten the freedom of the city. A ravenous murderer stalks the Warrens. Many templars and citizens claim Kalak has returned and call for his open worship by all. The free wizards of Tyr work to convert Kalak’s ziggurat into a positive source of light to remove the shadows of evil that linger in the city. A band of heroes must unravel the message from a mysterious woman who pleads for help. If they are too late, a dark shadow will fall across the city and a sorcerer-king will again sit on the throne of Tyr.
- Kalak
- Tyr
60.1 KB docx uploaded April 22, 2023 by Raddu
City-State of Urik
created by:
- June Soler
The City-State of Urik as created by June Soler with help from the Dark Sun community. Technically this version is circa FY 300+, but there’s little content that cannot be used in othertimelines. Associated City-State of Urik Map
- Urik
6.02 MB pdf uploaded April 29, 2023 by Raddu
City-State of Uik Map
created by:
- June Soler
A map associated with June Soler’s City-State of Urik
- Urik
43.9 MB png uploaded April 29, 2023 by Raddu
Opportunities in Chaos
created by:
- brax
This adventure is set in the Warrens of the Athasian City-State of Tyr, amid the chaos immediately following Kalak’s overthrow and demise. It is designed for three to five PCs of third to fifth level, at least two of whom should be rogues, preservers, priests, or psionicists. “Opportunities” works best if used as a sequel to David Cook’s excellent Freedom flip-book module. Note that this is an adventure outline, designed to give DMs ideas. DMs should develop appropriate stats, opponents, NPCs, and encounters. You can find an online version in the Articles section.
- Tyr
1.43 MB zip uploaded June 10, 2023 by Raddu
Excursions: Lost Temple of Rahoon
created by:
- June Soler
- Adam Cieszlak
- Raddu
- Logarium
A recent sandstorm of epic proportions has shifted the mountainous dunes of the Great Alluvial Sand Sea, revealing a temple of the ancients. Can you delve into the ancient ruins in search of riches before the next sandstorm buries them once again? This adventure scenario for the DARK SUN® Campaign Setting is designed for play in a 4-hour session with 3 to 6 players using 4th level pre-generated player characters.
By June Soler Editing: Adam Cieszlak, Robert Adducci Art: Stuart Lynch, WOTC Art assets Cartography: June Soler, Diesel, Mark Hope
- Excursions
- 5e
- Adventure
17.1 MB zip uploaded June 13, 2023 by Raddu
Mark Hope's 2e Conversions
created by:
- Logarium
- Kamelion
A compiled resource of all of Mark Hope’s 2e conversions.
- 2e
90.7 MB zip uploaded July 23, 2023 by Raddu