Dark Sun Expanded and Revised Campaign Setting

A decade has passed since the Age of Heroes began. The city of Tyr has broken free of tyranny, though turmoil still holds the world in its merciless grip. The Dragon King lies dead, earthquakes rock the land, and revolution spreads like wildfire across the Tyr Region. Giant rifts pierce this once impenetrable land: far to the north, the alien thri-kreen empire quickens, sensing its opportunity to invade. And to the south, in the obsidian wasteland, the ground stirs with the emergence of the undead?
Welcome to a world where metal is scarce, gods don't exist, and psionic powers abide in all living creatures! This significantly expanded and revised set contains everything you need to adventure across the burning lands of Athas.
Featured in this set:
- The Wanderer's Chronicle: 128 pages detailing the world of Athas, extending far beyond the known Tyr Region to encompass such new locations as the Jagged Cliffs, the Last Sea, the Kreen Empire, and the Dead Land.
- The Age of Heroes: 96 pages of updated rules and new mechanics designed to make combat more brutal land the adventure more savage. This book features new player character races such as the aarakocra and the pterran, expanded rules for wizards, and revised ability score tables.
- The Way of the Psionicist: 32 pages detailing a new streamlined, complete-in-this-set psionics system designed specifically for Dark Sun campaigns.
- Mystery of the Ancients: A 32-page adventure for characters of 3rd to 5th level that kicks off any new campaign in spectacular fashion.
- Three full-color maps: One is a close-up of the Tyr Region. The other high-quality maps detail the lands beyond the north, south, and west-expanding the area of the original campaign by eight times!
- Dungeon Master Screen: An eight-panel gatefold featuring all the tables needed to run a Dark Sun adventure, on one convenient stand-up screen.
Where to buy
The following unofficial resources are provided to as player and dungeon master aids to help enhance the experience of using this product.
Traveler's Guides to the Cities of Athas
created by:
- Logarium
Traveler’s Guides to the Cities of Athas written in the style that appeared first in The Ivory Triangle for Gulg and Nibenay.
- City-States
- Balic
- Celik
- Draj
- Eldaarich
- Gulg
- Kurn
- New Kurn
- Nibenay
- Raam
- Saragar
- Thamasku
- Tyr
- Ur Draxa
- Urik
15.3 MB pdf uploaded January 11, 2023 by Raddu
Cities of Athas - DM's Summaries and Statistics
created by:
- Logarium
DM’s Summaries to the Cities of Athas written in the style that appeared first in The Ivory Triangle for Gulg and Nibenay.
- Tyr
- Ur Draxa
- Draj
- Celik
- Balic
- Eldaarich
- Gulg
- Kurn
- Nibenay
- Raam
- Saragar
- Thamasku
- Urik
3 MB pdf uploaded January 28, 2023 by Adam Cieszlak
Shadow Square map
created by:
- Raddu
A map of Shadow Square in Tyr. Map created with assets by Gabriel Pickard.
- Tyr
- vtt
- map
428 KB jpg uploaded February 01, 2023 by Raddu
Silver Spring Fort Map
created by:
- Raddu
VTT Map of Silver Spring fort according to Elves of Athas Map created with assets by Gabriel Pickard.
- Silver Spring
- elven
- vtt
- map
868 KB jpg uploaded February 01, 2023 by Raddu
City-State of Urik
created by:
- June Soler
The City-State of Urik as created by June Soler with help from the Dark Sun community. Technically this version is circa FY 300+, but there’s little content that cannot be used in othertimelines. Associated City-State of Urik Map
- Urik
6.02 MB pdf uploaded April 29, 2023 by Raddu
City-State of Uik Map
created by:
- June Soler
A map associated with June Soler’s City-State of Urik
- Urik
43.9 MB png uploaded April 29, 2023 by Raddu
Excursions: Lost Temple of Rahoon
created by:
- June Soler
- Adam Cieszlak
- Raddu
- Logarium
A recent sandstorm of epic proportions has shifted the mountainous dunes of the Great Alluvial Sand Sea, revealing a temple of the ancients. Can you delve into the ancient ruins in search of riches before the next sandstorm buries them once again? This adventure scenario for the DARK SUN® Campaign Setting is designed for play in a 4-hour session with 3 to 6 players using 4th level pre-generated player characters.
By June Soler Editing: Adam Cieszlak, Robert Adducci Art: Stuart Lynch, WOTC Art assets Cartography: June Soler, Diesel, Mark Hope
- Excursions
- 5e
- Adventure
17.1 MB zip uploaded June 13, 2023 by Raddu
Mark Hope's 2e Conversions
created by:
- Logarium
- Kamelion
A compiled resource of all of Mark Hope’s 2e conversions.
- 2e
90.7 MB zip uploaded July 23, 2023 by Raddu
Dark Sun Net Handbook
created by:
- John M Martz
Introduction to the Third Edition AT LAST! The Third Edition of the Dark Sun Net Handbook is finally out. This is a collection of the work of many players and DMs for the AD&D campaign setting Dark Sun. I see a net.book as a source of knowledge and inspiration. Therefore I’ve included anything I could. Even if I found something totally unusable I included it because I’m sure that someone will instead love that rule/race/class and find it fundamental for his campaign. I especially like the sections wich have something to do with game mechanics such as the one on tattoos. We all should be less concerned with rules and more with those little things. Nothing in this net.book is official or fundamental, take what you like and discard what you don’t
- 2e
- unofficial
- netbook
522 KB pdf uploaded January 31, 2024 by Raddu
Dark Sun 2e Character Sheet PDF
created by:
- Logarium
Dark Sun 2e Character Sheet
- character sheet
584 KB pdf uploaded October 25, 2024 by Raddu
Dark Sun 2e Character Sheet PDF Form
created by:
- Logarium
Dark Sun 2e Character Sheet PDF Form fillable
- character sheet
611 KB pdf uploaded October 25, 2024 by Raddu