Asticlian Gambit

The palace of the Forest Queen contains treasures unimaginable. To the sons and daughters of Athas’s harsher climes, Gulg and the Crescent Forest seem almost perversely lush, a jumble of green and growing things hording precious water for the benefit of the few. But while basking in the glow of Lalali-Puy6’s gratitude, your characters have the richness of the forest at your beck and call.
Of course, the Oba’s sensibilities are easily bruised, and her nature is notoriously unforgiving. Gulg’s dank dungeons are only a staging area to a deadly ceremony, where the young nobles of the city chase prisoners through the forest to earn their places as lords of their city - the Red Moon Hunt.
Designed for four to six characters of 7th to 10th level, Asticlian Gambit makes them pawns in a dangerous game between Oba of Gulg, the shadow king of Nibernay, and mysterious representatives of the Asticles family of Tyr. A long stand alone adventure, Asticlian Gambit can also be played as the sequel to Freedom, Road to Urik, and Arcane Shadows.