The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Blue Box RPG - Sea of Dark Sun and giveaway today 6/6

Please join BlueBoxRPG tonight over on at 3pm PT, 5pm CT, 6pm ET for another thrilling episode of GHA : Sea of Dark Sun - Cosplay! The adventurers are locked in vicious combat, Tyk is down though Naida has come to his aid. Zeph and Lucius face off against the last creature while Enala struggles to stay conscious! How will tonight’s chapter play out? Tune in tonight to find out!

Tonight they will also be giving away the Richard Baker Signed box set!

Please join us tonight over on at 5:00pm CT for another thrilling episode of GHA : Sea of Dark Sun - Cosplay! Our adventurers are locked in vicious combat, Tyk is down though Naida has come to his aid. Zeph and Lucius face off against the last creature while Enala struggles to stay conscious! How will tonight's chapter play out? Tune in tonight to find out!  Tonight we will also be giving away the Richard Baker Signed box set!
BlueboxRPG Sea of Sand Flyer by

Kyle Brink D&D Executive Producer comments on Dark Sun

Kyle Brink the Executive Producer of Dungeons and Dragons at Wizards of the Coast was asked about Dark Sun in an interview with Bob the Worldbuilder concerning the recent OGL debacle. His response…“I’ll be frank here, the Dark Sun setting is problematic in a lot of ways. And that’s the main reason we haven’t come back to it. We know it’s got a huge fan following and we have standards today that make it extraordinarily hard to be true to the source material and also meet our ethical and inclusion standards. We know there’s love out there for it and god we would love to make those people happy, and also we gotta be responsible. “.