The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

3.5 Character Sheet.

Etienne and Alain Guerry have submitted a new Character Sheet for DS3.5. There are a couple of places where it draws from non-core, non sources; a pure version will arrive sometime next week:

  • Unearthed Arcana (Action Points, Wound/Vitality points)
  • Dragon (Dave Noonan's defiler points/taint)

From the archives

Several years back, Eric Anondson conuducted an interview with Troy Denning. Due to some recent interest, it’s been dug up and posted to the articles section. Enjoy.

Project status

We’re always busy working on official projects at Here is an update on the current projects with priority. <p>

Dregoth Ascending: The work on the much awaited first part of Dregoth Ascending is in full progress. David Tisch (Cyrus9a) is assisting us on map creation. </p><p>

Terrors of the Deadlands: The Monster Bureau has been busy these last months with Terrors of Athas. These guys continue to impress me all the time. Now they’re working on updating Terrors of the Deadlands from 3.0 to 3.5 rules. </p><p>

Tyrian Conspiracy: I’ve received some very good feedback on the preview of the update from 3.0 to 3.5 rules. The public playtest is still going on. Expect a final release in October. </p><p>

DS Core Rules 3.5: The largest remaining parts of the Core Rules 3.5 update are the psionics and spells chapters. </p><p>

Prestige Class Compilation: Prestige classes are being developed for Dregoth Ascending. The doc currently has 28 prestige classes and more are to follow. </p><p>

Epic Rules: The Epic Bureau is still working on the advanced beings rules and other rules concerning these concepts, such as dragon magic and psionic enchantments. </p><p>

Other projects: Secrets of the Deadlands, The Emissary, Whispers of the Storm 3.5 update, City-State of Draj 3.5 update, Lost Cities. These projects are either put on hold, or progressing slowly. </p>

Terrors of Athas, 3.5E done

Terrors of Athas, in 3.5E is done. The document contains no images at this time, however. An image-full version will be released at a later date.

Maps of Draj

Cyrus9a has put together several maps of Draj, available in the downloads section.

update: It appears that we forgot to include the key to the map. It too is now available.

Epic Bureau founded has founded a new templarate bureau: The Epic Bureau. Its current members are Paul Liss, Jon Sederqvist, Chris Flipse, Nels Anderson, Clifford Hill and Doug Hagerty. The Epic Bureau will be responsible for the further development of Epic rules for DS3.5.